19 diciembre 2009

Vishram Vath: sitio de descanso de Mahaprabhu.

Bajo este árbol solía Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu descansar a diario, durante Su visita a Vrindavan, en Su recorrido entre Akrura Ghat e Imlitala.

Junto a la deidad de Sri Jagganath podemos ver el murti de Srila Puri Maharaj el cual fue instalado este año.

 Maharaj mostrando los nuevos arreglos y remodelaciones del lugar.


Varsana is situated 42 km north from Mathura and there is 7 km long parikrama road around it.
It was a residence of king Vrsabhanu and his family.
Srimati Radharani was a daughter of Maharaja Vrsabhanu and many pastimes of Radha and Krishna took place there. Read More.

Ter Kadamba, Bhajan kutir Rupa Goswami: Programa de Limpieza

Ter Kadamba es un pequeño bosque cerca a Nandagram. Es el sitio donde Krishna venía para contar Sus vacas cuando regresaban del pastoreo.También Radharani camina por este lugar cuando viene de Javat para ir a Pavana Sarovara para cocinar para Krishna.

El bhajana-kutir de Rupa Gosvami está aquí. Hay un árbol Ter Kadamba debajo del cual Rupa Gosvamisolía sentarse para escribir.


Hrisikesh Maharaj, discípulo de Srila Bhakti Saranga Akinchana Maharaja, ha restaurado y embellecido este sagrado sitio en los últimos 3 años y siempre recibe a los peregrinos con alegría actuando los pasatiempos del lugar.

Surya Kunda, lugar de adoración del dios del sol por Radharani y sitio de encuentros secretos con Krishna: Programa de Limpieza

Raval, sitio de aparición de Srimati Radharani: Programa de Limpieza

Raval is the birthplace of Srimati Radharani. There is a small temple here called the Larily Lal Temple with Radha Krishna Deities, close to the bank of the Yamuna. The Deity of Krishna is said to have been established by Vrajanabha. Also located here is Radha Ghata. If you are going to Gokula to come to Raval is just a 30-minute side excursion and it is an important place. Not many people visit this place.

King Vrishabhanu and Queen Kirtida are the father and mother of Srimati Radharani. Once King Vrishabhanu went to the Yamuna River to take bath. He saw a golden lotus flower that shone like a million suns in the middle of the river. In the middle of the lotus flower was baby Srimati Radharani. Lord Brahma appeared before King Vrishabhanu and told him that in his previous life he and his wife, Kirtida, had performed great austerities to get the consort of Lord Vishnu as their daughter.

King Vrishabhanu took the child home, but found Her to be blind. Narada Muni appeared before the king and told him that despite the child’s blindness he should go ahead and perform all the auspicious birth ceremonies. Nanda Maharaja brought baby Krishna along for the ceremonies. When baby Krishna crawled before Srimati Radharani, She could smell the wonderful aroma of His body, and at that moment She opened Her eyes. The first person She saw was Her eternal consort, Sri Krishna.

Gurumaharaj organizando la donación de fondos para la mantención de la limpieza de lugar con los pujaris del sitio sagrado.

Y después del dichoso seva: distribución de Prasadam!

Templo de Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohan, el más antiguo de Vrindavan, establecido por Sanatan Goswami